Thank You! |
A special thanks to all the people that helped me make my life long dream come true.
It started years ago in 1992. I met a breeder, her name was Alyce De Filippo. She was the originator fo the red-point line in the colorpoint breed. She came from England in the 1940s and bred very successfully for many years in Wisconsin as the Sundust Cattery. My name came from a joke we had: So what is a Devon Rex crossed with a Siamese? A Devonese, of course (ha! ha! ha!). Naturally, Devonese became the name of my cattery.
I learned a little genetics from Alyce, and came home with a kitten. She was my first female and I named her 'Sundust Misty Rose Moon.' She was a beautiful seal-point colorpoint short-hair. Later, I got a red-point colorpoint short-hair from Alyce. I named him 'Sundust Kwisats Haderach.' My last breeder I got from Alyce was a tortie-point colorpoint oriental short-hair. Her name was 'Sundust Delilah Melange.' They all were the love of my life. They grew up and eventually passed away. It was just me and my husband. I missed the pitter-patter sound of little feet. I couldn't sleep at night without them. I also developed problems with cat hair and thought I couldn't breed anymore. I was devistated. I always wanted my oriental to have curls. I began to look for kittens on the internet. The answer, of course, was to breed Devon Rex. I kept my Devonese Cattrery the same, but now I raise Devon Rex. So, thank you dear Alyce.
I would also like to say a special thanks to the breeders that inspired me to breed again. Thank you Peppershire, Movieland,Neon-Cat and Beautymus catteries for my sweet Devon Rex kittens and my cattery.
And to you the buyer, I say thank you and I give my family's 'Happy Devonese Cat Recipe!'
Devonese Cattery started in 1993 and will go until 2013 and beyond, with hope! |
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